Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Aidan's 1st Birthday

Our precious Aidan turned a year old on January 19th. I thought a lot about this past year and how blessed Craig and I are to have Aidan. He is our world and we love him more than anything. I truly feel that being a parent is the biggest responsibility one can take on. God has entrusted us with this child to love and care for. There has been so many wonderful memories this past year and I look forward to many more to come. Aidan's party theme was "Elmo" since that is his favorite character on Sesame Street,which we watch every morning in bed. It is always so neat to see the smile that lights up his face when Elmo appears on screen. It was the most gorgeous day after a long week of rain. He was surrounded by many who love him dearly and it was a wonderful party.

It has been way too long since I last wrote and much has taken place in the last few months!
I will start with the exciting Christmas surprise of discovering there is another baby on the way. Our family will be expanding and Aidan will be a big brother. Next, Shauna and Ryan welcomed their beautiful little boy Dylan to the family on Christmas Eve! These pictures are of the holidays and Dylan's arrival.